Dictate Text in Microsoft Office 365 Applications

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Don’t Type. Just Talk.

In older versions of Microsoft Office, speech recognition was included. All we had to do was to find where it was located. Now this feature is part of Office. Speech recognition uses our voice to control the computer. All we need to do is to Dictate. In order to find out how the feature Dictate works in Microsoft Office 365 applications just continue reading this post.

Dictate Text in A Word 365 Document

On the Home tab of the ribbon in Microsoft Word application, at the far right the area named Voice is located. In this area Voice, the only command available is the Dictate command as shown in the image below.

Voice - Dictate in Word

Once we move our cursor on top of the command Dictate, we are notified that Office Dictation is powered by Microsoft Speech Services. If we want to find out more and to learn more about Office Dictation, we just select the link where it mentions Tell Me More.

Voice - Dictate in Word

Once the link Tell Me More is selected, the Help task pane appears at the right of our screen. In this task pane we can learn more information about how to Dictate With Our Voice in Office. All we need to do is to keep on reading all the information or even watch the Video.

Voice - Dictate in Word

In the next image, on the Home tab of the ribbon in Microsoft PowerPoint application, at the far right, the area named Voice is located. In this area Voice, the only command available is the Dictate command as shown in the image below.

Voice - Dictate in PowerPoint

As same as described above, if we select the link Tell Me More, the Help task pane appears at the right of our screen. In this task pane we can learn more information about how to Dictate With Our Voice in Office. All we need to do is to keep on reading all the information or even watch the Video.

In order for us to Dictate, all we need to do is to press the Dictate button. Once pressed a small red button will appear, meaning that it is ready to Dictate whatever we may Say. In the image below, I have press the Dictate button, and I just said “Hello, how are you?”. Immediately in the Slide, the text that I just Dictated is inserted in the placeholder. Simple as that.

Voice - Dictate in PowerPoint

With a bit of exercising and dictating, we will find the appropriate speed and time pause between words, in order the Dictation command can catch up with us. The same procedure is followed, also in the Microsoft Word application and Microsoft Outlook application, among with Microsoft PowerPoint that was mentioned above.

Below you can check out the video describing How To Dictate Text in Microsoft Office 365 applications.

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