How To Export A Range of Slides As Gif in Microsoft PowerPoint?

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What is a GIF (Graphics Interchange Format)? It is a lossless format for Image Files that support both animated and static images. An Animated Gif are several images or frames that are combined into a single File.

In a previous post of mine, I had mentioned that a New Feature that is available in Microsoft PowerPoint, that we can Export a PowerPoint Slide as a Gif, post which you can find here. The exciting news are, that with all the updates in Microsoft Office applications, we can now Export A Range Of Slides as a Gif in Microsoft PowerPoint.

How To Export A Range of Slides As Gif in Microsoft PowerPoint

Stay tuned to find out HowTo Export A Range of Slides As Gif in Microsoft PowerPoint? .

In the following example I have created a PowerPoint Presentation that has four different Slides, and each Slide contains Animations. You can check out all the Animations in the Animation Pane at the right of the PowerPoint Application. In the following image, the First Slide of the Presentation is activated, where at the right and under the Animation Pane we can see all the Animations that will take place during the Slide Show.

How To Export A Range of Slides As Gif in Microsoft PowerPoint?

Each Slide contains different Animations. Once we have finished creating our Presentation and we are satisfied with the way it is displayed during Slide Show, we may want to Export the Presentation as a Gif File.

How To Export A Range of Slides As Gif in Microsoft PowerPoint?

We select the File tab, so we can move into Backstage View and from the left of the drop-down menu we select the category Export. From the middle of the Export task pane, we then select the command Create An Animated Gif as shown in the image below.

How To Export A Range of Slides As Gif in Microsoft PowerPoint?

Once we select the Create an Animated GIF command, at the right we are notified that we can Save Our Presentation As An Animated GIF. We are also notified that by Creating An Animated Gif, that it Preserves Animations, Transitions, Media and Ink, while it Does Not Include Recorded Timings.

Once we select the drop-down menu right under, we have the following options to choose from for our Animated GIF:

  • Medium: Medium File Size And Moderate Quality (480p at 15fps)
  • Extra Large: Largest File Size And Full HD Quality (1080p at 24fps)
  • Large: Large File Size and High Quality (720p at 24fps)
  • Small: Small File Size and Low Quality (240p at 15fps)

We must select a Quality for the Animated GIF.

How To Export A Range of Slides As Gif in Microsoft PowerPoint?

We can also activate the check box at the left of the command Make Background Transparent. Finally, seeing that our Presentation contains four different Slides, we can adjust the Seconds To be Spent on Each Slide by using the up and down arrow buttons to adjust the Seconds. We can define from which Slides we want to be included for creating the Gif File. We use the up and down arrow buttons next to the Number of the Slides that we want to be included. Finally, at the bottom we press the Create Gif button.

How To Export A Range of Slides As Gif in Microsoft PowerPoint?

Once we select the Create button, the Save As dialog box as shown below, where we notice Save As Type: Animated GIF Format (*.gif). The rest that we need to do, is to select the destination and the name of the File and then press the Save button.

How To Export A Range of Slides As Gif in Microsoft PowerPoint?

Our Gif has been created. That is, it. In the next image, we can see that all the Slides have been exported as a single Animated GIF. The Animated GIF continues to loop repeatedly. A very easy and quick procedure.


Below you can check out the video describing How To Export A Range of Slides As Gif in Microsoft PowerPoint?


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