How To Hide/Unhide Slides In A Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation?

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Sometimes, in a PowerPoint Presentation there is a Slide that should be included in the Presentation File, but we do not want it to appear in the Slide Show. What can we do? We just Hide the Slide. A Slide hidden remains in the File and does not mean that it is deleted. Once we Hide a Slide, we can always Unhide later, so it can become visible again. Not for us, because it is always visible, but for the audience. We can turn the Hide Slide option on and off individually for any Slide in our Presentation.

How To Hide - Unhide Slides In A Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation

Stay tuned to find out How Το Hide/Unhide Slides In A Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation? .


In the following example, we can see that our PowerPoint Presentation contains four different Slides. For our own reasons, we would like to Hide the third Slide in the Presentations. We activate it by clicking with our mouse on it, and then we do a right click so the shortcut menu will appear. From the shortcut menu that appears we locate and select the command Hide Slide.

How To Hide-Unhide Slides In A Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation?

Our Slide is now Hidden. We can see that the Number 3 of the Slide has a Strikethrough through it and that the preview of the Slide is sort of faded away or in other words has become transparent.

How To Hide-Unhide Slides In A Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation?

The same way that we used to Hide the Slide, the same way we must use so we can Unhide the Slide. We activate it with our mouse, and then do a right click on it, and from the shortcut menu that appears we locate and select again the command Hide Slide. The Slide will become visible once again.

How To Hide-Unhide Slides In A Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation?

Another way to Hide a Slide in our Presentation is to select once again the Slide that we want to Hide and then select the Slide Show tab as shown in the example below.

How To Hide-Unhide Slides In A Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation?

Then from the middle area of the ribbon and under the area named Set Up we select the command Hide Slide as we can see in the image below. The same steps we must follow to Unhide the Slide.

How To Hide-Unhide Slides In A Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation?

As mentioned before, the Hidden Slide does not get Deleted from our Presentation File. It is visible for us to see, use and edit at any time. It only remains Hidden during a Slide Show Presentation. This means that during the Slide Show, the audience will not see the Hidden Slide.

If by any reason, we want to use the Hidden Slide during the Slide Show Presentation, there is no need to panic. We just do once more a right click with our mouse on any Slide during the Slide Show, and from the shortcut menu that appears we select the command See All Slides as shown below.

How To Hide-Unhide Slides In A Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation?

Once we select the command See All Slides from the shortcut menu the screen switches to a thumbnail list of all the Slides, even the hidden one. If we want to use the Hidden one, we just click on it and it will appear and be part of the Slide Show.

How To Hide Unhide Slides in a Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation?

Below you can check out the video describing How To Hide/Unhide Slides In A Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation?


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