MS Excel 5.0 Dialog

Πώς Να Κάνουμε Διαγραφή Κελιών, Γραμμών, Στηλών και Φύλλων Εργασίας Στο Excel;

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How To Delete Cells, Rows, Columns and Spreadsheets in an Excel Workbook?

Σε προηγούμενη ανάρτησή μου, αναφέρθηκα πώς κάνουμε Εισαγωγή Κελιού, Κελιών, Γραμμής, Γραμμών, Στήλης, Στηλών, Φύλλου και Φύλλων Εργασίας σε ένα Βιβλίο Εργασίας του Excel (To Insert Cell, Cells, Row, Rows, Column, Columns and Sheet, Sheets in a Excel Workbook). Τι συμβαίνει όμως, όταν φτάσουμε στο σημείο να θέλουμε να κάνουμε Διαγραφή Κελιού, Κελιών, Γραμμής, Γραμμών, Στήλης, Στηλών, Φύλλου και Φύλλων Εργασίας σε ένα Βιβλίο Εργασίας του Excel; (Delete Cell, Cells, Row, Rows, Column, Columns and Sheet, Sheets in a Excel Workbook). Το μόνο που χρειάζεστε να κάνετε είναι να διαβάστε την παρακάτω ανάρτηση.

Διαγραφή Κελιών, Γραμμών, Στηλών & Φύλλων Εργασίας Στο Excel

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How To Delete Cells, Rows, Columns and Spreadsheets in an Excel Workbook?

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In a previous post of mine, I had mentioned How To Insert Cell, Cells, Row, Rows, Column, Columns and Sheet, Sheets in a Excel Workbook. What happens though, when we come to a point that we want to Delete Cell, Cells, Row, Rows, Column, Columns and Sheet, Sheets in a Excel Workbook. All you need to do is to continue reading this post.

How To Delete Cells, Rows, Columns & Sheets in Excel

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Πώς Να Εισάγουμε Κελιά, Γραμμές, Στήλες και Φύλλα Εργασίας Σε Ένα Βιβλίο Εργασίας του Excel

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How To Insert Cells, Rows, Columns and Spreadsheets in an Excel Workbook

Όλοι μας σε κάποια στιγμή όταν δουλεύουμε σε ένα Βιβλίο Εργασίας του Excel (Workbook), θέλουμε να Εισάγουμε ένα Κελί (Cell), Κελιά (Cells), ή θέλουμε να Εισάγουμε (Insert) Γραμμή (Row), Γραμμές (Rows), Στήλη (Column), Στήλες (Columns) ή ακόμα και ολόκληρο Φύλλο Εργασίας (Worksheet). Πώς γίνεται; Η διαδικασία είναι αρκετά απλή και γρήγορη, οπότε δεν χρειάζεται να ανησυχούμε εάν έχουμε ξεχάσει να εισάγουμε κάποια δεδομένα όταν δεν υπάρχει διαθέσιμος χώρος. Απλώς συνεχίστε να διαβάζεται την παρακάτω ανάρτηση.

Εισαγωγή Κελιών, Γραμμών, Στηλών & Φύλλων Εργασίας Στο Excel

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How To Insert Cells, Rows, Columns and Spreadsheets in an Excel Workbook?

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We have all come to a point when we are working in an Excel Workbook, where we need to Insert a Cell or Cells, or we need to Insert a Row, Rows or Column, Columns or even to Insert an entire Worksheet. How is it done? The procedure is quite simple and very handy, so we don’t need to worry if we have forgotten to insert some data and there is not enough space for us. Just keep on reading the post below.

How To Insert Cells, Rows, Columns & Sheets in Excel

For us to Insert Cells in a Spreadsheet, we must select the area of Cells that we need to Insert as shown in the image below. The number of Cells selected, the same amount will be Inserted in our Spreadsheet.

Cells Area on the Home Tab

Once the area of Cells is selected, there are two ways to Insert Cells. The first one, is to do a right click with our mouse on top of the selected area, and then from the shortcut menu that appears, we select the command Insert as shown below.

Insert Cells ShortCut Menu

The second way is from the Home tab, we locate the area named Cells of the ribbon as shown below and then we select the command Insert and from the drop-down menu we select the command Insert Cells.

Insert Cells

When we choose to Insert Cells, new Rows will be added above of the selection and new Columns will be added to the left of the selection. Whatever way we choose, the same dialog box will appear which is named Insert, where we have the following options to choose from:

  • Shift Cells Right
  • Shift Cells Left
  • Entire Row
  • Entire Column

Insert Cells Dialog Box

For us to Insert Rows in a Spreadsheet, we must select the number of Rows that we want to Insert. When we Insert Rows, the same number of Rows selected will be inserted of the top of the selected Rows. The first way to Insert Rows, is to do a right click with our mouse on top of the selected Rows and then from the shortcut menu that appears we select the command Insert.

Insert Rows

The second way is from the Home tab, we locate the area named Cells of the ribbon as shown below and then we select the command Insert and from the drop-down menu we select the command Insert Sheet Rows. As mentioned above, the same number of selected Rows will be Inserted above the selection.

Insert Sheet Rows

For us to Insert Columns in a Spreadsheet, we must select the number of Columns that we want to Insert. When we Insert Columns, the same number of Columns selected will be inserted at the left of the selected Columns. The first way to Insert Columns, is to do a right click with our mouse on top of the selected Columns and then from the shortcut menu that appears we select the command Insert.

Insert Columns

The second way is from the Home tab, we locate the area named Cells of the ribbon as shown below and then we select the command Insert and from the drop-down menu we select the command Insert Sheet Columns. As mentioned above, the same number of selected Columns will be Inserted at the left of the selection.

Insert Sheet Columns

For us to Insert a Spreadsheet in our Workbook, the first way is to move on top of a Sheet that already exists in our Workbook, and then do a right click with our mouse. Whenever we Insert a Spreadsheet in our Workbook, the Spreadsheet will be inserted at the left of the selected Spreadsheet. From the shortcut menu that appears we select the command Insert as shown in the image below.

Insert Sheet

The second way is from the Home tab, we locate the area named Cells of the ribbon as shown below and then we select the command Insert and from the drop-down menu we select the command Insert Sheet. As mentioned above, the Spreadsheet will be Inserted at the left of the selected Sheet.

Insert Sheet

Whatever way we choose, the same dialog box will appear which is named Insert, where we have the following options to choose from so, we can Insert a Sheet in our Workbook:

Worksheet, Chart, MS Excel 4.0 Macro, International Macro Sheet, MS Excel 5.0 Dialog and many more. We select the Sheet that we want and need to Insert and the press the Ok button located at the bottom right corner of the Insert dialog box.

Insert Spreadsheet Dialog Box

Below you can check out the video describing How To Insert Cells, Rows, Columns and Spreadsheets in an Excel Workbook.

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