How To Insert A New Slide In A Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation?

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A Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation contains Slides. A Slide is a single page of a Presentation. A collection of Slides in a Presentation creates a Slideshow. A Slide has its own Layout. Layout, that services different purposes depending on what we want. We can add as many Slides, that we want in a Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation seeing that there is no limit.

If You Want To Learn How To Insert A New Slide In A Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation, read the post that follows.

How To Insert A New Slide In A Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation

n the following image, I have a PowerPoint Presentation open that contains 10 Slides. At the left we have a Thumbnail Preview of our Slides.

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If we select an existing Slide in our Presentation as shown in the image below, the New Slide that will be inserted will be inserted beneath the selected one. The procedure of inserting a New Slide is quite easy and can be done in a variety of ways. In the following image, I have selected the Second Slide of our Presentation and then from the Home tab of the Ribbon and from the area named Slides I just click on the command New Slide, where we are informed that we will Add A Slide To Our Presentation. The New Slide will be inserted in our Presentation as the Third Slide.

How To Insert A New Slide In A Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation?

If we want to specify what sort of Slide we want to insert in our Presentation, we must select the command New Slide and from the drop-down menu we can choose to select a New Slide with one of the following Layouts:

  • Title Slide
  • Title and Content
  • Title and Text
  • Two Content
  • Section Header
  • Title Only
  • Standard
  • Blank

How To Insert A New Slide In A Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation?

Another way to Insert a New Slide in our Presentation, is to select the Insert tab of the Ribbon and from the left area to locate the area named Slides and once again to select the command New Slide as shown below and follow the same steps as described above.

How To Insert A New Slide In A Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation?

Another quick way to Insert a New Slide is to select a Slide from the Thumbnail Preview area, and then hit the Enter button on our keyboard. A New Slide will be generated right below the one selected.

Go ahead can check out the video describing How To Insert A New Slide In A Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation?


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