How To Create a Task in Microsoft Outlook?

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A Task is an item, that we create when we want to track it until it is completed. We can create, edit, and manage Tasks. Some people keep a list of things that need to be done on a piece of paper or using any other electronic methods. In Microsoft Outlook we can combine our various lists into one list, plus we can also improve them by adding reminders and tracking.

How To Create a Task in Microsoft Outlook

If You Want To Learn How To Create a Task in Microsoft Outlook, read the post that follows.

We must select the Home tab and from the left area of the ribbon named New we select the New Items command. Once the New Items command is selected the drop-down menu appears where we select the command Task.

How To Create a Task in Microsoft Outlook?

Once the Task command is selected the Task dialog box appears, where we can set:

  • Subject: Type in a Name for the Task.
  • Start Date: Set a Start Date for the Task.
  • End Date: Set an End Date for the Task.
  • Reminder: Set a Reminder for the Task.
  • Status: Check the Status of the Task as in Not Started, In Progress, Completed, Waiting On Someone Else and Deferred.
  • Priority: Set the Priority of the Task as in Normal, Low and High.
  • Reminder Time: Set an exact Time Reminder for the Task.
  • Finally in the Body of the Task we type in the details of the Task.

Whatever adjustments we make, we press the Save & Close button located at the top left corner of the Actions area of the ribbon.

How To Create a Task in Microsoft Outlook?

To View our Task and have a quick glimpse of it along with all the other Task that we have created, we can hover over with our mouse at the bottom left corner of Microsoft Outlook on the Task button.

How To Create a Task in Microsoft Outlook?

If we need to Edit, Change, Create or Delete a Task, we can select the Task command from the bottom left corner of Microsoft Outlook, where we will be displayed with the My Tasks Folder. Here at the left we can see our To-Do-List with all the accounts that we have associated in Microsoft Outlook and in the middle, we can see all the Tasks that we have created.

How To Create a Task in Microsoft Outlook?

From My Tasks Folder we can also create a New Task by selecting the New Task command located at the top left corner of the New area of the ribbon. We then follow the same steps.

How To Create a Task in Microsoft Outlook?

Go ahead can check out the video describing How To Create a Task in Microsoft Outlook?

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