How To Change The Orientation of Text in a Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation?

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In Microsoft PowerPoint we can change the Orientation of the Text so it can better fit our Presentation’s Slide. We can change the Orientation or Rotate the Text by inputting an exact degree or even rotate the text by hand.

How To Change The Orientation of Text in a Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation

If You Want To Learn How To Change The Orientation of Text in a Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation, read the post that follows.

First, we must select the Text or the Text Placeholder. Then from the Home tab of the ribbon, we locate the area named Paragraph and from the top right corner we hover over the command Text Direction where we are notified: Change The Orientation Of Text To Vertical, Stacked Or Rotate It To The Desired Direction.

How To Change The Orientation of Text in a Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation?

Once the Text Direction command is selected the drop-down menu appears where we have the options:

  • Horizontal: It is the default Direction of the Text.

How To Change The Orientation of Text in a Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation?

  • Rotate All Text 90o: The Direction of the Text will be rotated right or left by 90o degrees from its current position

How To Change The Orientation of Text in a Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation?

  • Rotate All Text 270o: The Direction of the Text will be rotated right or left by 270o degrees from its current position

How To Change The Orientation of Text in a Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation?

  • Stacked: The Direction of the Text will become Horizontal, the distance between the letters will be expand and will expand outside the Text Box placeholder.

How To Change The Orientation of Text in a Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation?

At the bottom of the Text Direction drop-down menu is the command More Options, where once selected the Format Shape Task Pane will appear at the right of our Presentation. In the Format Shape task pane, we have the Text Direction command also available among with other commands that we can use that has do with the Text in our Presentation.

How To Change The Orientation of Text in a Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation?

Another way to locate the Text Direction command is to select the Text or the Text Placeholder in our Presentation and then do a right click once again with our mouse. The shortcut menu will appear where from the bottom we select the command Format Shape. Once again, the Format Shape task pane appears at the right, where we select the Text Options command so we can proceed with the adjustments needed.

How To Change The Orientation of Text in a Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation?

Go ahead can check out the video describing How To Change The Orientation of Text in a Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation?


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