Freeze Top Row

Πώς Να Σταθεροποιήσετε Τμήματα Παραθύρου Σε Ένα Φύλλο Εργασίας Στο Microsoft Excel;

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How To Freeze Panes in a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet?

Στο Microsoft Excel και σε μία περιοχή του Φύλλου Εργασίας (Worksheet) ή αλλιώς Υπολογιστικό Φύλλο (Spreadsheet), έχουμε τη δυνατότητα να διατηρήσουμε μία περιοχή ορατή ενώ κάνουμε κύλιση σε μία άλλη περιοχή. Με αυτόν τον τρόπο, μπορούμε να κλειδώσουμε συγκεκριμένες Γραμμές (Rows) και Στήλες (Columns). Παγώνει μία Γραμμή (Row) ή Στήλη (Column), έτσι ώστε πάντα να εμφανίζεται είτε πλοηγούμαστε προς τα πάνω ή προς τα κάτω, είτε προς τα αριστερά ή δεξιά στο Φύλλο Εργασίας (Spreadsheet).

Πώς Να Σταθεροποιήσετε Τμήματα Παραθύρου Σε Ένα Φύλλο Εργασίας Στο Microsoft Excel

Εάν Θέλετε Να Μάθετε Πώς Να Σταθεροποιήσετε Τμήματα Παραθύρου Σε Ένα Φύλλο Εργασίας Στο Microsoft Excel;, διαβάστε την παρακάτω ανάρτηση.

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How To Freeze Panes in a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet?

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In Microsoft Excel and in an area of a Spreadsheet or Worksheet, we can keep an area visible while we scroll to another area. This is how we can lock specific Rows and Columns. It Freezes a Row or Column, so this way it is always displayed even if we navigate up and down through the Spreadsheet.

How To Freeze Panes in a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet

If You Want To Learn How To Freeze Panes in a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet, read the post that follows.

In the image below, I have opened a Microsoft Excel Workbook which contains different Spreadsheets. In this Spreadsheet, I need to Freeze the First Row of Spreadsheet, so when I scroll down through the Data, the First Row will always be visible. That is why I need to activate the Cell A2. Then I must select the View Tab and locate from the right the area of the ribbon named Window as shown below.

How To Freeze Panes in a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet?

From the Window area of the Ribbon, I select the command Freeze Panes where here I am notified with the following: Freeze A Portion Of The Sheet To Keep It Visible While You Scroll Through The Rest Of The Sheet. This Is Useful For Checking Out Data In Other Parts Of Your Worksheet Without Losing Your Headers Or Labels.

How To Freeze Panes in a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet?

Once I select the command Freeze Panes the drop-down menu appears with the following commands available to use and which are the following:

Freeze Panes: Keep Rows And Columns And Columns Visible While The Rest Of The Worksheet Scrolls (Based On The Current Selection). By using this command, depending which Cell is activated in the Spreadsheet, the Rows above the activated Cells and the Columns at the left of the activated Cell will remain visible while scrolling Down and scrolling Right in the Spreadsheet.

How To Freeze Panes in a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet?

Unfreeze Panes: Unlock All Rows And Columns To Scroll Through The Entire Worksheet. If we have used the command Freeze Panes then we can use the command Unfreeze Panes.

How To Freeze Panes in a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet?

Freeze Top Row: Keep The Top Row Visible While Scrolling Through The Rest Of The Worksheet. No matter which Cell is activated, by using this command the First Row of the Spreadsheet will remain visible while scrolling down in the Spreadsheet. Once used, we can Unfreeze them following the same procedure as above.

How To Freeze Panes in a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet?

Freeze First Column: Keep The First Column Visible While Scrolling Through The Rest Of The Worksheet. No matter which Cell is activated, by using this command the First Column of the Spreadsheet will remain visible while scrolling towards the left in the Spreadsheet. Once used we can Unfreeze them following the same procedure as above.

How To Freeze Panes in a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet?

So, for example, if we want the First Row in our Spreadsheet that contains Headers to remain visible as we scroll down in the Spreadsheet, we then use the Freeze First Row command. Freezing Panes with Splitting Panes are two different commands. While Freezing Panes allows us to keep Rows or Columns visible while scrolling in the Spreadsheet, Splitting Panes divides the Spreadsheet into two or four areas where we can scroll in them separately.

Go ahead can check out the video describing How To Freeze Panes in a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet?

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