How To View Workbook Statistics in Microsoft Excel?

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We just have finished creating our Excel Workbook and we want to have a quick summary of what is in the current Worksheet or the entire Workbook. What can we do? This is where the command Workbook Statistics appears, where we can have a quick glimpse of our Workbook Statistics. Just keep on reading the post below to find out how.

How To View Workbook Statistics in Microsoft Excel

In the image below we can see our Worksheet, that contains data, formulas and etc. Now, how can we just have a quick glimpse of what our Worksheet contains?

How To View Workbook Statistics in Microsoft Excel?

We must select the Review tab as shown in the image below, and then from the left area of the ribbon and in the area named Proofing we select the command Workbook Statistics.

How To View Workbook Statistics in Microsoft Excel?

Once we select the command Workbook Statistics, the Workbook Statistics dialog box appears as shown in the image below. We have the Workbook Statistics of the Current Sheet and we also have the entire Workbook Statistics.

For the Current Sheet, we have the Statistics for the following: End Of Sheet, Cells With Data, Tables, Formulas and Charts. For the Workbook, we have the Statistics for the following: Sheets, Cells With Data, Tables, Formulas and Charts.

How To View Workbook Statistics in Microsoft Excel?

A very good feature when we just need a summary of what is in our Workbook.

Below you can check out the video describing How To View Workbook Statistics in Microsoft Excel?

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