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Πώς Να Ταξινομήσετε Δεδομένα Σε Ένα Φύλλο Εργασίας του Microsoft Excel;

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How To Sort Data in a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet?

Όταν θέλετε να Ταξινομήσετε Δεδομένα (Sort Data) σε ένα Φύλλο Εργασίας (Spreadsheet) του Microsoft Excel, αναδιατάσσονται οι Γραμμές (Rows) με βάση τα περιεχόμενα της συγκεκριμένης Στήλης (Column). Μπορεί να θελήσετε να Ταξινομήσετε (Sort) έναν Πίνακα (Table) έτσι ώστε να καταχωρηθούν τα ονόματα με αλφαβητική σειρά. Ακόμα μπορεί να θελήσετε να Ταξινομήσετε (Sort) τα Δεδομένα (Data) με βάση το Ποσό (Amount). Για παράδειγμα, από το μικρότερο στο μεγαλύτερο και αντιστρόφως.

Πώς Να Ταξινομήσετε Δεδομένα Σε Ένα Φύλλο Εργασίας του Microsoft Excel

Εάν Θέλετε Να Μάθετε Πώς Να Ταξινομήσετε Δεδομένα Σε Ένα Φύλλο Εργασίας του Microsoft Excel; διαβάστε την παρακάτω ανάρτηση.

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How To Sort Data in a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet?

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When we want to Sort Data in a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet, it rearranges the Rows based on the contents of a specific Column. We may want to Sort a Table so that we can enter names in an alphabetical order. Or even to Sort the Data based on the Amount, like from smallest to the largest and vice versa.

How To Sort Data in a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet

If You Want To Learn How To Sort Data in a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet, read the post that follows.

In the image below I have Converted a Range of Cells into a Table in a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet. During the procedure I have defined that my Table has Headers, and we can see the Filter buttons at the right of each Header. In the example below, we can see the Filter buttons next to the following Headers: Material No., Title, Pack Type, Language and Price. If somebody wants to refresh their memory on How To Convert A Range Of Cells into a Table you can read a previous post of mine here.

How To Sort Data in a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet?

We must activate a Cell in the Column that we want to Sort. For example, if we want to Sort by the Column Material No., we must activate a Cell in that Column. If we want to Sort by the Column Price, we must activate a Cell in that Column.

Then, from the Home Tab of the ribbon and from the right area we locate the area named Editing as shown. Then we select the command Sort & Filter where we are notified with the following: Organize Your Data So It’s Easier To Analyze. You Can Still Sort The Selected Data From Smallest To Largest, Largest To Smallest, Or Filter Out Specific Values.

How To Sort Data in a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet?

Once we select the Sort & Filter command the drop-down menu appears with the following commands to use:

  • Sort Z To A: By selecting this command our Data will be sorted alphabetically from Z to A.
  • Custom Sort: It will be described below.
  • Filter: By deactivating it, the Filter buttons will be removed from the Headings. To activate the Filter buttons again we must activate it.
  • Clear: By selecting this command it will Clear the Filtering.
  • Reapply: By selecting this command the Filtering will be reapplied to the Table.

How To Sort Data in a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet?

In the image below I have applied the Filter From Z To A.

How To Sort Data in a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet?

If we want to create a Custom Sort Filtering, we must select the Custom Sort command from the drop-down menu of the Sort & Filter command as shown and where we are notified with the following: Choose More Options, Such As Sorting By Multiple Columns Or Rows and Case-Sensitive Sorts.

How To Sort Data in a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet?

Once the Custom Sort command is selected the Sort dialog box appears as shown below. In this dialog box we have the following commands available to use:

  • Add Level: If we want to Sort our Data on more of one Column, we use this command to add another Column. For example, in the dialog box we notice that the Data will be sorted by Column A (Material No.). By Adding another Level, we can define another Level. For example, Column E (Price). The sorting will be done first by Column A and then by Column E.
  • Delete Level: We can delete the Level or sorting that we have added.
  • Copy Level: By using this button a Copy of the selected Sorting will be pasted beneath.
  • Up and Down buttons: We can rearrange the criteria of Sorting by moving them up or down.
  • Options: By using this button, the Sort Options dialog box will appear where we can activate the command if we want to Sort by Case Sensitive or we can change the Orientation to either Sort Top To Bottom or Sort Left To Right.
  • My Data Has Headers: We can activate or deactivate the check box knowing if our Data has Headers or not.

How To Sort Data in a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet?

We can define on how we want to Sort On the Data in the Column either by Cell Values, Cell Color, Font Color and Conditional Formatting Icon.

How To Sort Data in a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet?

And finally, we can define the Order of the Sorting either by A To Z, Z To A or Custom List.

How To Sort Data in a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet?

In the image below, from the Sort dialog box I have activated the Options button, where the Sort Options dialog box appeared with the commands described above.

How To Sort Data in a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet?

Whatever adjustments we make, we must press the Ok button for the Filter to be applied. The whole procedure gives us the ability to Filter a Column of Data so we can separate the key components that we need. It is an amazing tool for analyzing data.

Go ahead can check out the video describing How To Sort Data in a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet?

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